Monday, March 3, 2008

Talking Point 4

Linda Christensen’s Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us
Popular Culture

Christensen’s Argument-
Christensen argues that a secret education shaped by cultural stereotypes creates unhealthy and unjust standards for the development of self-image from the pattern they reveal. This education is not only expressed through the media but surrounds society from all angles, and we do have the opportunity to make a difference to abolishing these idealistic ideas being sold.
1 “ When we read children’s books, we aren’t just reading cute little stories, we are discovering the tools with which a young society is manipulated.” Everything from movies to magazine teaches their viewers a secret education, which results in shaping the cultural stereotypes we develop as our own.
2 We have to learn how to “unlearn the myths” in order to change the unhealthy and unjust ideals we are taught. We need to rebel against the ideals that we are taught to be the answer to all aspects and problems of our world. As we rebel we need to start using such powerful media and environments to teach the realistic and just ways in which out lives should be lived and actions we should take.

3 The goals and magic revealed in this secret education are unrealistic and unhealthy to the developing minds of individuals. They create degrading ideals such as beauty equals power, people of color represent insignificance, and magic can transform your life. These images create a picture where only materialism and status can bring you joy and success.

I feel that Christensen’s article provided very informative facts into the already broader topic of media influence I was familiar with. I found the reading itself to be strait forward and self explanatory, with helpful headings to indicate subtopic changes throughout the piece. The detailed examples made it clear as to how a “secret education” is taught through a hidden formula that implies the ingredients for the cultural stereotypes that are base society on today.

1 comment:

Dr. Lesley Bogad said...

Do you feel the impact of the "secret education" on your life? What kind of popular culture has influenced you?